21 octubre 2009

20 Octubre: Porrón Acollarado en Cecebre!

El amigo Fernando Pereiras y yo pasamos 5 horas de la tarde en el embalse de Cecebre.

Al final del día, en la cola del Mero, localizamos 1 Porrón Acollarado (Aythya collaris) hembra. Apareció en el fondo de la cola asociado en todo momento a 2 machos de Porrón Europeo (Aythya ferina) con los que estuvo alimentándose y reposando, siempre en aguas abiertas. La distancia de obsrervación fué buena, aunque la luz a esa hora era ya muy baja para realizar fotografías. Las mejores que le pude sacar son estas, puramente testimoniales:

Estas son las que le pudo sacar Fernando, que me envió al llegar a casa:

Mi opinión es que se trata de una hembra del año.

También efectuamos otras observaciones de interés:
- 2 Garcetas Grandes (Ardea alba), que al anochecer ocupan un dormidero juntas entre sauces del fondo de la cola del Mero.
- 2 Garcetas Comunes (Egretta garzetta)
- Al anochecer llegó un grupo de 5-6 ardeidas pequeñas blancas, que no pudimos identificar con seguridad pero suponemos sería el grupo de Garcillas Bueyeras (Bubulcus ibis) que se está viendo por aquí y que acudiría a dormir al embalse.
- Mínimo 4 Somormujos Lavancos (Podiceps cristatus)
- 1 Andarríos Grande (Tringa ochropus)
- Mínimo 3 Andarríos Chicos (Actitis hypoleucos)
- 2 Agachadizas Comunes (Gallinago gallinago)
- 1 Águila Pescadora (Pandion haliaetus)
- Mínimo 3 Porrones Europeos (Aythya ferina)
- Mínimo 4 Porrones Moñudos (Aythya fuligula)
- 3 Cucharas Europeos (Anas clypeata), primera observación personal de la temporada.
- Varias decenas de Cercetas (Anas crecca)
- Escuchado en varias ocasiones un Rascón (Rallus aquaticus), especie que no recuerdo haber registrado nunca en el embalse.
- 1 Bisbita Alpino (Anthus spinoletta)
- Mínimo 2 Cetias Ruiseñores (Cettia cetti)
- Entrada de Mosquiteros Comunes (Phylloscopus collybita)
- 1 Escribano Palustre (Emberiza schoeniclus)

Durante un intenso aguacero se puso un arco iris precioso:

37 comentarios:

Raúl G.Herrera dijo...

Hola compañeiros: nas fotos do porrón acollarado non de aprecian os detalles, unha pena, buscarei a ver se sae nas miñas guías de aves este bicho. A foto do arco da vella é moi fermosa, fai un mes vin na praia da pedra do sal un arco da vella total, é dicir que estaba enteiro víase onde acababa e empezaba ou viceversa, estaba sobre o mar e case no medio collía a pedra do sal, non tiña cámara de fotos e ainda que a tivera non me collería todo él na foto. Que sana envexa teño da vosa saída a Cecebre pero non podería ir de tódo-los xeitos porque traballo a xornada partida. Saúdos.

Raúl G.Herrera dijo...

ostia!!non vira o unicornio, a foto parece un soño de Camps, o presidente da Comunidade Valenciana, ji, ji.

Xabi Varela dijo...

Boas Raúl!
O Porrón de Collar femia distínguese ben por dáusd cousas sobre todo:
- A forma da cabeza, concretamente do píleo, apuntado
- As marxas negra (esa especie de "gorro") e brancas na cabeza, estas moi contrastadas co escurio do conxunto do corpo.

O do soño de Camps o dis porque a lenda conta que onde remata o arco da vella hai un cofre cheo de moedas de ouro non? Jeje.
Un saúdo!

Anónimo dijo...

Hola Xabier: pois non o decía por iso, senón que este señor parace que quedou aganchado nunha viaxe de cogumelos alucinóxenos, polo demáis a lenda ten a súa intriga, cando era pequeno unha vez intentei chegar ate o pé dun arco da vella, non fai falla dicir que non conseguín chegar endexamais. Troquei o nome do meu blog por Observando Aves na Galiza, despois de pensa-lo vou escribir en galego ainda que non chegue a tanta xente. ¿onde ides ir esta fin de semán? eu cecais vaia a Baldaio coma o derradeiro sábado. un forte saúdo.

Xabi Varela dijo...

Eu o sábado pode que vai pola tarde, nun oco que teño, á ría do Burgo. O domingo non sei que vou facer en principio. Estou a fin de mes e teño que apretar ata no "jasoi".
Sorte se vas a Baldaio e, xa sabes, se ves algo que non das identificado, fotografíae xa se mirará.

Marcos Suárez dijo...

Boas,o Rascón pareceume velo (e escoitalo)días atrás dende o observatorio,na vexetación que se observa na fermosa foto do arco da vella .¿Foi por ahí onde o vístedes vos?
Lástima non librar o fin de semana para acercarme a Ría.

Xabi Varela dijo...

Si exactamente aí, nesa formación de espadanal.
Un saudiño

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In conclusion, though certain areas of traditional men's style may be brought back as new styles, the essential outfits that they derive from will never fall out of fashion.

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The business provides one [url=http://cungmuahotdeal.com/thoi-trang.html]nhom mua gia re[/url] for each and every functioning day in each and every and each and every of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon functions as an assurance offer utilizing ThePoint's system: if a specified variety of gentlemen and females indicator up for the supply, then the offer turns into available to all if the predetermined least is not satisfied, no a one will get the deal that working day. This lowers danger for suppliers, who can deal with the coupon codes as amount price cut charges as properly as merchandise revenue advertising and marketing tools. Groupon tends to make revenue by maintaining close to fifty per cent the funds the customer pays for the coupon.

For illustration, an $eighty therapeutic therapeutic massage could be bought by the shopper for $40 by way of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split the $forty. That is, the retailer provides a therapeutic massage valued at $80 and gets about $20 from Groupon for it (underneath a fifty%/fifty% split up). Or, if $240 well really worth of property portray providers is obtained by the consumer for $fifty by way of Groupon, then the firm gets $25 and Groupon retains $25. The customer will get the therapeutic massage, or the house portray support, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they at first paid out $forty (or $50) to Groupon. There are specified organizations to which Groupon to commence with did not provide its companies, like having images ranges and strip golfing tools even so, shooting ranges have been showcased on Groupon.

In distinction to classified promoting, the service provider does not pay out out any upfront price to just take part: Groupon collects personal information from inclined consumers and then contacts only people shoppers, largely by every day e-mail, who may possibly probably be intrigued in a unique merchandise or providers.

Groupon employs a enormous assortment of copywriters who draft descriptions for the gives showcased by digital mail and on the website. Groupon's marketing and advertising textual content material for the 'deals' has been noticed as a contributing issue to the acceptance of the world wide web web site, showcasing a distinctive mix of comprehensive real truth-examining and witty humor.

Owing to Groupon's market currently being mainly composed of feminine customers, the bargains are frequently targeted on the effectively becoming, actual physical health and fitness and attractiveness marketplaces.

There are prospective issues with the business model. For illustration, a productive supply could quickly swamp a tiny organization with way as well a lot of clientele, jeopardizing a probability that customers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be ample solution to satisfy the need. Hole, a substantial clothes retailer, was all set to consider treatment of 445,000 coupon codes in a countrywide offer (though it skilled server problems at one stage), but a smaller sized enterprise could switch out to be out of the blue flooded with clients. A solitary espresso store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an enhance in clients for a few months, when it bought shut to 1,000 Groupons on the a one day it was supplied, in accordance to a one report. In response to equivalent problems, Groupon officers position out that 'deal' subscriptions need to be capped in advance to a cost-effective quantity.

Read More: [url=http://cbsstravel.com/chon-lua-hang-cong-nghe-gia-re-tren-thi-truong/]voucher gia re[/url]

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